How much do you love Switzerland? Let us count the ways… Created for ThinkSwiss by featurezoo
We just completed three new promotional spots for the ThinkSwiss Scholarship program. They feature two former recipients of the scholarship and in keeping with the student budget aesthetic, we used skype to interview both Ryan Luke Johns and Hilary Landfried.
ThinkSwiss Exchange Program as not only an excellent career steering choice, but also a gateway to becoming a ‘global citizen’.
“Energy is the most pressing issue. If you have clean abundant energy, you can solve all today’s problems: You can turn the Sahara into a garden, you can desalinate salt water, you can pump it wherever you want to have it. Cheap energy can develop the world. A barrel of oil — one hundred and fifty-nine liters — contains the physical capacity of what twelve men would have to work for over a year. It’s really the key to our time.”
Last year Martin Vosseler and a crew of four other Swiss adventurers made a historic crossing of the Atlantic aboard Sun21—a solar powered catamaran. This year Vosseler, a doctor by vocation, decided to take his message of solar power and energy renewal—on foot.